Category: Project Management

3 Ways to Effectively Manage Project Scope

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by Joe Somerville

As a project manager, you will face an endless barrage of changes to your project’s plan. Unfortunately, some of these changes will result in delays, additional stretching of a finite budget, and problems. These changes in project scope are commonly referred to as project creep. Without a proper understanding of how to effectively manage project…

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4 Best Practices for Reducing Project Risk

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by Joe Somerville

An effective risk management program is essential to modeling and reducing risk for your project. If you fail to create an accurate representation of the potential risks to your project, your project will be more likely to incur delays and additional costs, if not fail entirely. However, you can reduce risk to your project by following a…

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4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Construction Projects

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by Innovative Management Solutions

Many people use spring as a great opportunity to open up some windows, let in some fresh air, and really breathe new life into their homes. It’s a great opportunity to throw off the shackles of the winter weather and move forward in a bold and dramatic fashion with a completely new mindset. The same…

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5 Benefits of a Cloud Based Project Management Software

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by Innovative Management Solutions

Even basic project management software brings with it a wide range of different benefits that are hard to ignore. Instead of keeping reams of paper and notebook after notebook of information as your project goes on, you can enter everything into one interface that is then accessible at a moment’s notice. In the last few…

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5 Books Every Project Manager Should Read

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by Innovative Management Solutions

Once you have taken on the role of project manager, it can be easy to let the opportunities for expanding your knowledge base through project management books pass you by. Unfortunately, this means you could be missing out on valuable lessons and information for increasing your efficiency and skills. Although you must ensure your workers…

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5 Business Intelligence Trends You Don’t Want to Ignore

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by Innovative Management Solutions

Business intelligence (BI) tools are empowering a new era of project managers, small-business owners, and enterprise growth. While these tools seem frightening, they will be the driving force behind rapid scalability and responsiveness throughout the economy. Specifically, BI tools and abilities are going to become evident in several ways and trends, which include the following….

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5 Key Ways to Optimize Your Project Management Dashboards

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by Innovative Management Solutions

A project management dashboard is one of the most effective ways to monitor your project, and it ensures your project’s timely completion and adherence to the budget. However, project management dashboards can be easily customized to include hundreds, if not thousands, of metrics, and the effectiveness of the dashboard drops significantly. Fortunately, you can optimize…

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5 Keys to Success All PMOs Need to Know

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by Jeff Collins

Business leaders and project management offices (PMOs) have hundreds, if not thousands, of responsibilities. They oversee project deadlines, budgets and quality assurance concerns. But, modern projects are only growing in scope and complexity. The size of a project can easily require hundreds of employees across great distances. Controlling a project’s variables is essential to its success. A…

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5 Must-Have Skills Project Managers Should Mention in Their Resume

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by Innovative Management Solutions

The growth of the Internet has given rise to a new generation of project managers, and being hired for a given project is not as easy as it used to be. Potential clients will have access to dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes for highly trained and qualified project managers. However, you can increase your…

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5 New Ways to Improve Your Project Collaboration

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by Innovative Management Solutions

When project collaboration is missing, your project is much more likely to fail. Meanwhile, your team members will not work to the best of their abilities, and your relationship with stakeholders will shudder. However, you can still improve your project collaboration by using these five tactics in every interaction with all involved parties in your…

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5 Oracle Primavera Tips for Even Better Project Management

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by Joe Somerville

Oracle Primavera is a type of software that falls into the category of EPPM, or enterprise project portfolio management. It’s the type of solution that includes project management tools, utilities that are designed to increase the ease at which team members are able to collaborate with one another and more. Even if you think that…

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5 Habits of a Great Project Manager

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by Innovative Management Solutions

In many ways, a great project manager is not unlike a great sports coach. He or she needs to be someone who can identify the individual strengths of each team member and should always be putting those people in the position they need to be in to thrive. He should always be making sure that…

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