IMS Customer Snapshot
Aerospace and Defense
Annual Revenue:
$25.5 billion
Products & Services:
IMS Consulting
The T-38 Avionics Upgrade Program for the United States Air Force consists of designing and installing an updated avionics and weapons suite for the T-38 Talon Advanced Trainer. The purpose of this upgrade is to raise the sophistication of the T-38 avionics to better match the capabilities of current front-line aircraft, as well as to improve reliability and maintainability. This upgrade of approximately 425 aircraft during the 1999-2009 period is intended to take the T-38 into the 21st century as a viable training aircraft for U.S. Air Force fighter and bomber pilots.
Business Challenge
Design and implement a plan for the development of an Integrated Master Schedule to comply with stringent U.S. Government RFP requirements. Work with IPT teams to identify and organize required activities and coordinated integration of the schedule with the Integrated Master Plan (IMP).
Produced an integrated master schedule with Primavera Project Planner (P3) for System Engineering, Software Development, Aircrew Training Devices, Logistics Support, Manufacturing and System Integration & Installation. Also, produced probabilistic histograms on selected activities for analysis of schedule risk using Primavera’s Monte Carlo risk analysis tool.
Recommendations were implemented which enabled Northrop Corporation to develop an accurate integrated schedule that met the requirements of the RFP.
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