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IMS Customer Snapshot

US Army Corps
of Engineers

Washington D.C.


Public Sector



Products & Services:

IMS Professional Services

Business Challenge

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) under took an extensive development initiative in 2003 to upgrade the technologies and processes that the Corps uses to manage their various contracts and work efforts. This initiative, titled P2, addressed three key areas, technology improvements, business process development and people training.


The P2 System consists of a number of commercially off the shelf software modules interconnected to provide a worldwide network used to initiate, monitor and execute construction related projects in real time. The business processes were documented in an updated version of the Project Management Business Process (PMBP) manual which focuses on current Project Management methodologies issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The P2 System modules and PMBP methodologies were combined into a weeklong training class that was conducted for all project development team (PDT) members in all of the USACE divisions and districts.

IMS consultants were utilized as instructors for these training classes. The key discussion points of these classes were Single Project/ Program Management Database, Single-source data entry, Virtual teams across USACE, Consistent processes and tools, Pro-active program/project management, Increased efficiency and coordination, Increased control of project execution at local level, Management information as a by-product of the PDT, Increased visibility of resources, Increased interaction/communication with customer and Higher Quality Projects / On time / Within Budget.

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