Dealing with limited resources, particularly finite numbers of skilled workers, remains one of the key problems businesses face during expansion. In order to excel at project management, businesses need to take advantage of available staff augmentation services. Staff augmentation services refers to a temporary expansion of staff without the traditional standard of hiring for a specific purpose. Staff augmentation results in better project management through several primary means.
How Staff Augmentation Creates Better Project Management
1. Access to Definitive Skills Needed for a Given Project
Businesses use staff augmentation to utilize an exact number of workers with a specific set of skills necessary to meet project deadlines. By focusing on a specific set of skills, less time and money are spent training for extraneous skills not needed for a given project.
2. Decrease Overhead Costs
With changes in healthcare reform, businesses will be faced with the task and expense of making health insurance available to all employees, which results in diversion of investment resources from the actual project to employee benefits. Furthermore, businesses are able to avoid all of the expenses involved when hiring a new employee and expanding existing health insurance programs by utilizing staff augmentation services. As a result, the project will stay on-schedule without requesting additional investments to meet new regulations.
3. Fill Holes in Current Staffing Costs
While the full time employees have the option of working extra hours at a higher, overtime rate, staff augmentation can reduce the cost of having skilled workers present beyond the typical hours of full time employees. Staff augmentation services enable businesses to have the benefits of the same highly-skilled workers without being forced to pay a high overtime-wage. Staff augmentation services also enables project managers to ensure that a full staff is available at all times when full time staff is not available. For example, company employees taking the holidays off may be replaced temporarily through staff augmentation.
4. Flexibility in Unforeseen Circumstances
Unless businesses sign a contract for a specific amount of staff augmentation hours, businesses have the option of canceling any additional workers present as part of staff augmentation services at any time. This enables the business to react immediately to changes in a project without consideration of the financial cost to their full time employees. In addition to decreasing the presence of workers as part of staff augmentation services, businesses will be able to expand their workforce quickly in strenuous situations, such as the need to meet an advanced deadline or respond to an internal or external disaster.
5. Enables Fast Advancement and Growth of a Business
Staff augmentation enables businesses to change the speed at which they grow through the use of resources that bear no impact upon the company when they are not needed. As a result, businesses will grow at a faster pace and adapt to meet the demands of investors and advance their project management goals. In addition, current full time staff do not feel threatened by the presence of additional, contracted workers, and the project managers maintain oversight and control over their organization.
Key Improvements From Staff Augmentation Services
- Staff augmentation give project managers access to additional resources during times of limited resources.
- Staff augmentation reduces the overhead costs of hiring and training new employees, even those that would have been on an as-needed or on-call basis.
- Project managers can ensure they have a full working crew available at all times, regardless of full time employee needs.
- Staff augmentation gives businesses a wide range of flexibility in adaptation to sudden changes in project management.
- Projects will be completed on-time if not in advance of deadlines, therefore, allowing the business to move to the next project immediately.
- Project management becomes more streamlined and reliable through staff augmentation services, which gives businesses the edge they need to grow and expand.
Staff augmentation can help you achieve a number of business goals including industry knowledge and technical experience. This valuable knowledge and experience accelerates speed and quality of project delivery, avoiding the cost and time required for internal training and skill development. If you are interested in learning more about or using staff augmentation services in your business, please contact us.