6 Tips for Passing the PMP Certification

Passing the PMP Certification shows future employers you have the skills necessary to successfully organize, run, and oversee a given project.

The PMP Certification is the only globally recognized certification for project management, and companies will usually hire someone with this certification over someone who lacks it. To help you prepare for the exam, follow these six tips in the time leading up to the examination date.

Enroll in a Prep Course For PMP Certification

Major booksellers, such as Barnes and Noble and Amazon, have hundreds of test preparation books on the PMP Certification. However, some questions may be new to you, and a test prep course can help you understand new strategies and concepts in project management. Furthermore, a physical test prep course gives you the opportunity to ask questions about such topics and identify key points to remember during the exam.

Create a Study Calendar

At least three months prior to the exam, create a study calendar. You need to treat the PMP Certification like you would treat a final exam for school. If you do not study, you will not pass. The first month of study time should be devoted to spending at least two hours studying every other day.

During the second month, study two hours per day. However, select two days out of the week to rest your mind completely. You may also enroll in the test prep course during the second month. However, the course needs to finish at least three weeks prior to the exam date, so plan accordingly. Just as you would organize your workers, organize your schedule around the exam and your study-time.

Beware of Extra Information in Questions

Questions on the PMP Certification may obtain extraneous information. Isolate the most important aspects of the questions by crossing out this extra information. However, only cross out such information after you have read through all of the possible answer choices.

Take at Least Five Practice Tests

Every time you take a practice test, you will learn a new concept or potential question that could be on your examination. Take as many practice tests as possible. If you have the time, it’s best to begin taking practice tests when you are at least eight weeks away from the exam date. Try to take at least one test at the end of every week, but you may skip one here and there, but you should take five tests at a minimum.

Think of All Questions From a Project Management Perspective

Some questions may appear to direct you to explain how you would escalate a situation to higher positions within the company. However, the PMP Certification is designed to give you a comprehensive view of a problem and all solutions. The correct answer will be the one that rests within your problem solving skills as a project manager.

Do Not Work For 48 Hours Prior to Exam

Avoid working for the two days leading up to the exam. The day before, isolate yourself from your family, friends, and any outside influence by checking into a hotel. Spend this time reflecting on your previous tests and studying. Stop studying by 2000 the night before. Ensure you sleep for at least eight hours before taking the test.

By following these tips, you can maximize your chances of passing the PMP Certification. It will take time and hard work, but it will give you an advantage in future jobs.

Key Things to Remember

  • Enroll in a Prep Course that will finish three weeks prior to the exam date.
  • Your study calendar should be your top priority.
  • Read each question carefully for extra information.
  • Take as many practice tests as possible. You must take at least five.
  • Think of questions from the perspective of how you would address the issue.
  • Study, and rest the day before the exam.
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