5 Reasons Why Your Enterprise Project Management Process Isn’t Working

The Enterprise Project Management Process, also commonly referred to as the EPPM, is always one of the most important parts of any project. The right type of enterprise project management process can be a great way to make sure that all team members are always on the right track, that everyone is being as productive as possible and that project managers in general are being the best that they can be. A poor EPPM is often the exact opposite and can derail a project before you even realize that you have a problem. If you discover that your enterprise project management process isn’t working, there are a few common reasons that are likely culprits.
Enterprise Project Management Mistakes
One of the many reasons why your enterprise project management process might not be working is because you have too many tools that aren’t connected with one another. If employees are required to use dozens of tools that aren’t implemented with one another in any way, information will get lost in the shuffle.
Mixing Techniques
Another reason why your enterprise project management process might not be working is because you’re trying to blend too many techniques that just don’t work well together. Keep things as simple and as straightforward as possible to keep them moving forward.
Management Interference
Management interference can be another reason that a enterprise project management process will stop dead in its tracks. Try to keep your bosses happy, but out of the way, for the best possible results.
Team Visibility
If you aren’t aware of what your team members are working on at all times, you won’t be in a position to help effectively guide everyone towards the same important goal. Learn to increase team visibility to help keep everyone on the same page at all times.
Ad Hoc Requests
Ad hoc requests, meaning any type of request that interrupts your employees, will severely damage a enterprise project management process. Both you and your employees need to learn how to handle ad hoc requests (or get rid of them altogether) to keep moving towards that proverbial end zone at all times.
If you discover that your enterprise project management process isn’t working, it’s always important to get back on track as quickly as possible. Oftentimes a problem can severely affect productivity or progress before you even realize it exists. By understanding the simple reasons why these components are likely to derail, you have a much better chance of course correcting before things get too serious.
Key Takeaways:
- Management interference is one of the major reasons why a enterprise project management process may become damaged.
- Ad hoc requests aren’t just a major detriment to enterprise project management process, but they are statistically a detriment to the everyday lives of employees in general.
- If you aren’t aware of what your team members are working on essentially at all times, your enterprise project management process will dramatically suffer as a result.
No matter what size your projects may be, you’ll need a convenient and easy-to-use program that can help you stay on top of your management duties. This is where Oracle’s Primavera EPPM will be of the utmost value. To learn more about Oracle’s Primavera EPPM and other Oracle Software, contact us via the link below.